Welcome to our film making project!

Hello world indeed!

We run a website called We Are Cardiff. We invite residents of Cardiff to write about real experiences of living in the city, to provide a lively and more accurate version of the city that we live in than what you’d read in the local papers.

Recently we decided we’d like to take the project to the next level. We want to make We Are Cardiff – the movie!

We’re raising funds for a documentary that will be a more realistic (and we’re hoping) loving ode to the city we live in than the things you might see elsewhere.

We were posting updates on the We Are Cardiff page, but rather than clog it up with a load of nonsense, we’ve set up this blog to keep you updated on the project.


You should check out the We Are Cardiff site

You should donate money to our We Are Cardiff fundraising campaign on IndieGogo

You should join our Facebook campaign for updates

You should follow us on Twitter

You should watch our initial pitch video